Leadership Teacher

Podcast and Video Series

Leadership is a craft

Learned and earned

“The curse of knowledge is that it closes our minds to what we don’t know. 

Good judgment depends on having the skill and the will to open our minds.”

Adam Grant

Leadership Teacher

Podcasts and Video Series

We are always between the old way and the new way

Leadership is a conversation

“There is more to the game than you are seeing”.

I once heard the quote, “The future is here now, it is just not evenly distributed”. In my experience, elite team sport represents the future when it comes to eliciting maximum performance within the constraints of a high-stakes environment.

Elite team sport focuses on the behaviours, individually and collectively, required to be executed precisely and consistently in all forms of conditions, mostly uncontrolled and uncontrollable, to achieve a desired outcome, and there is only one outcome we are ultimately interested in.

Collective success.

Elite team sport is, unapologetically, in the business of human performance.

The role of leaders is to create the conditions to get the best from a group with all of its idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses. No team is the same and will always require something different from its leaders.

My interest is supporting leaders to create the conditions for success in an unknown and unknowable future.

I’ve had the good fortune of being invited onto a number of podcasts in recent times.

It is important to seek out conversations with leaders who are happy to share their lived experiences, and I have been so fortunate in this regard.

Podcasts are a version of these conversations.

While the common theme is football, I am more than comfortable in going deep in relation to important discussions for leaders, be it parenting, how we learn, mental health, finding purpose, and dealing with setbacks.

Each podcast offers something very different.

How do you make it happen?

In the Arena - Video Series

Know your role. Accept your role. Play your role.

In Australian football, the teams enter the arena separately, given a few minutes of clear air with their supporters as their theme song rings through the stadium.

The vision of the captain leading his team up the player race is one of the timeless images. For over a century and a half, the best of their generation have worn some version of the jumper that hundreds have worn before them. All are at or near their physical summit, never fitter, never stronger, gladiators called up as a consequence of a highly specialised proficiency that had its time and place and set them apart for a brief period of their lives.

They make their way onto the ground, with their peers, their friends, facial expressions and body language communicating individual responses to having fought and won for their club and each other, and they are about to do it all again.

They enter the arena.

The captain has three expectations of his teammates, and they of him, as do the coaches who now largely have little control of the outcome beyond this moment, but often struggle to concede their helplessness, and frustrated coaches in coaches boxes or on the sidelines make for good television. Their best work should have been done, in the years, months, weeks and days leading to this moment, if not, they are not long for this role.

The three expectations are:

  • Know your role

  • Accept your role

  • Play your role

Simple expectations, yet incredibly challenging, complex and layers of ambiguity.

Those outside of elite team sport think of it as club vs club, or team vs team. Those inside it, think of it as system vs system, and there are plenty of them in action, forming a labyrinth of systems complexity, understood by few, but executed by many.

In this series, I explore many of these ideas.


Thank you Phil from Nitch Photography

I would like to thank Phil Nitchie for filming these stories.

We had a ball. He encouraged me, cajoled me, and hopefully, there is something for you, whether you are a leader or not.

Please reach out to Phil for all of your photography and video needs, link below.